10 Misconceptions About Translation (Part 2)

Hello, I'm Alexander!

Continuing from yesterday, I will post the latter half of 10 misunderstandings about translation.

Please go out with us♪

The purpose of today's article is: Get to know a little more about translation work

Let's look at 6-10 misunderstandings in Part 2!

6 Translation can be done in a second language as well as in your native language

People often ask me, "How many languages can you speak?" In fact, most translators only translate into their native language. Professionals who translate into other languages are actually rare. After all, the target language cannot be translated at a professional level unless it is at the same level as the native language.

Different languages require different skills than being able to speak and translate. Also, even if you can understand and read various languages, even if you can read them, the level at which they speak and write is completely different. It's actually much easier to just listen and read.

For example, if you have a translator who translates French, German, or English to Japanese, few translators can translate both.

Even if you can translate both, it is limited to two languages, for example, French to Japanese and Japanese to French.

Of course, there are translators who can do more than that, but they are really amazing people like rare animals.

Many translators basically translate into their native language

7 Our trainee is a returnee, so...

So what? There is myself who wants to plunge, but please forgive me! (Lol)

You can't say it's a pastry chef just because the cheesecake was burnt,

You can't call it a chef just because the pasta has been boiled,

Just because you're playing tennis doesn't mean you're a player in Wimbledon,

Even if you can speak English, you cannot always translate. It is the same as translating a language accurately, but the purpose of translation is to make the person who reads the target language react in the same way as the person who reads the manuscript, considering the cultural background. So it's really another skill.

Not all returnees can translate

8 Putting translation and interpreting together

The translator translates the text. The interpreter, on the other hand, translates what the speaker says. It tends to look the same to amateurs, but the work is fundamentally different.

Interpreters need to be good at communicating with people, and need to concentrate their minds quickly and quickly to turn their heads quickly.

Rather, translators tend to work alone and focus on writing style and style. Certainly there is a short delivery time, but it gives you some time to think rather than "on the spot, immediately".

Some people can do both, while others can be professional.

Skills required for translation and interpretation are different

9 Bilingual dictionaries are friendly to translators

Depending on how you use it, it can be a great enemy. Translation is different from just learning a word list. A personal computer is enough to translate each word. More than words, concepts, ideas, meanings, nuances, emotions, etc. need to be translated.

I don't use a dictionary very much personally.

Dictionaries can be companions to translators or enemies depending on how they are used

10 "studying" a translation is a waste of time

I feel that the larger companies tend to think so. When the budget becomes tight, I feel that outsourcing of work to translators will stop at the first stage.

Translation professionals have spent so much time studying and improving their skills that I always think that translators are an indispensable part if they are doing business in multiple languages.

Of course, I don't think there is a need to outsource if we can do it ourselves.

Real translators are constantly improving their skills

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