ショップ名 | Language Cafe Mickey House |
販売事業者名 | Language Cafe Mickey House |
代表者名 | Uchigi Yudai |
所在地 | 169-0075 2-14-4 Takadanobaba, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo Yashiro Building 4F |
お問い合わせ | Please contact us from the inquiry form. |
商品の販売価格 | The product price is displayed on each product screen. |
支払い方法 | We accept credit cards only. |
商品の購入方法 | Put the product you want to purchase in the cart, proceed to the purchase, pay with the credit card and purchase. |
商品の引渡し時期 | You can join the online video chat after purchase. |
商品以外の費用 | There is no cost other than for the product. If the chat host requests a fee, please report it using the inquiry form. |
返品・キャンセルについての特約事項 | Refunds and cancellations cannot be made after the video chat start time. |